Monday, June 18, 2012

Are Kobe Bryant, Dirk Nowitzki among the NBA's most overpaid players?

  Sports admirers authority able opinions about which pro basketball players deserve their massive salaries, and which ones don't. One fan, however, has gone added than the boilerplate barstool analyst –- Southern Utah University economics assistant David Berri.

  Berri is co-author of the 2006 book "The Wages of Wins," which determines which players are overpaid with a statistical adjustment alleged "Wins Produced" that he and his co-authors developed.

  According to Berri, NBA players are paid for top scoring, so the added credibility an amateur racks up, the added money he earns. Berri believes that this overlooks added factors that accord to a victory, such as shots taken, turnovers, rebounds and fouls.
  These and added elements are included in the "Wins Produced" algorithm.

  "Wins in basketball are primarily about a team's adeptness to get and accumulate control of the brawl and again axis those backing into points," Berri told in an e-mail. "In 2011-12, NBA teams paid $1.9 billion for 990 approved division wins. This agency that the amount per win was $1.946 million. Given the amount of anniversary win and alive both how abounding victories anniversary amateur produced and his bacon allows us to see which players were overpaid."

  All bacon advice was provided by Berri, who acclimated abstracts from the NBA abstract bump website and from basketball analyst Patricia Bender. All abstracts was aggregate by Berri's aide Arturo Galletti.

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